The weather outside today is a miserable and even the lighthouse I can usually see outside my window is obscured by the precipitation. However, although unseen by me, I believe it is there.  Sometimes that happens in my spiritual life when the “light” is hidden from me and I feel that I am alone and on my own.  That is when my past experiences reignite my faith and I remember times when those feelings would wash over me only to discover later that I was sustained by an unseen source of  protection.  So much of our life is lived by faith in human ingenuity.  Trusting that the light will go on when we flip the switch or that the bridge over the river will hold us and all of the other cars travelling across with us.  I have faith that there is a loving Creator who sustains me but it is evidence based since  I am here, by Grace, sharing with you now.  If you wish, please share your experiences of faith to encourage us all.

8 thoughts on “FAITH IN THINGS UNSEEN”

  1. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “SPAM”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (checkbox) *]
    Beautiful and inspiring thoughts. All of us go through the hills and valleys. The CREATOR is always there. Psalm 23 Keep
    up writing.

  2. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “SPAM”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    Good to see this blog back, Joyce! I resonate with this one and expect I will with many.

  3. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “SPAM”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    Thank you Joyce.
    Faith is very strong and powerful. I know my faith got me through treatments that were so painful. I wanted to give up so many times but I kept getting “nudges” saying my purpose wasn’t done yet. Thank you God.


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